Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Underwater Investigations
by Rob Kovitz
Produced for BlackFlash Magazine
Volume 18.4 | 2001

16 pages | PDF edition


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excerpts from the encyclopedia of
underwater investigations

Offshore, a fisherman is tapping on lake ice
And calling to his son.

The fisherman, lifting his nets, whispers
A question to each pickerel, each pike.

W. D. Valgardson, A Drowning

There is a saying of the wise man: “When all things lay in the midst of silence then leapt there down into me from on high, from the royal throne, a secret word.”

But, Sir, where is the silence and where the place in which the word is spoken?

Meister Eckhart, On Detachment

Gazarra opened the book.The first page swam with crooked, twisted, backwards-leaning letters.

“‘Darkness was on the face of the deep,’” he began.

“I know,” she told him.“I’ve been there.”

David Homel, Get On Top


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