
17. Are we using our decoder rings? n/t
Bjornsdotter, Thu Dec-08-05 07:24 PM

20. Code 2 requires it. Suggest you review your manual.
TheCowsCameHome, Thu Dec-08-05 07:30 PM,
General Discussion (Through 2005)

Every planning research article includes a literature review. In fact, nothing undermines the credibility of an author more than lack of familiarity with the literature, and nothing adds more credibility to a paper than building on what has been written on the topic … Unlike traditional research methods, meta-analysis uses summary statistics from primary research studies as the data points in a new analysis. Its appeal is that it aggregates all available research on a topic, allowing common threads to emerge …

R. Ewing, Meta-Analysis of Plan Quality—More Than A Literature Review

The British version was called The Jewish Peril and was soon being reviewed in some of Britain’s most prestigious journals. On May 8, The Times, newspaper of the Establishment, published an editorial, quite possibly the work of its celebrated editor Mr. Henry Wickham Steed. This leading article was titled “A Disturbing Pamphlet: A Call for Inquiry.” Its tone was urgent. “What are these Protocols?” it asked. “Are they authentic? If so, what malevolent assembly concocted these plans and gloated over their exposition?”

David Aaronovitch, Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History

According to Plan of a One-Eyed Mystic

Doc Savage follows his stolen dirigible to a magic island and discovers the lost city of Ost. Then, Renny Renwick awakens in the body of a fugitive gangster after encountering a strange impish man in According to Plan of a One-Eyed Mystic. What is the bizarre connection between the One-Eyed Mystic, a stolen military secret and a Nazi plot?

treyf : selected reviews/profiles/media coverage/awards

Dead and Cold

Stephen Osborne, Geist

according to plan

Alcuin Award for Excellence in Book Design: First Prize, Prose Fiction

Manly Library Artists' Book Award

Gary Michael Dault, Border Crossings

Philip Nobel, Architectural Record

Alison Gillmor, The Winnipeg Review

ice fishing in gimli

Art Gallery of York University (AGYU),
Artists' Book of the Moment award (ABotM)

The Globe and Mail, Focus section Endpaper

Marcus Boon, In Praise of Copying

Brooke Ford, Broken Pencil

Virginie Doré Lemonde, Ciel variable

Alison Gillmor, Plug In ICA exhibition text

Gary Michael Dault, Border Crossings

Peter Goddard, Toronto Star

David Jager, NOW Magazine

Sigrid Dahle, YYZine

Jeanne Randolph, Fuse Magazine

Room Behavior

Christine Landry, Uptown Magazine

Karen Finstad, FFWD Weekly

Games Oligopolists Play

Hal Niedzviecki, Broken Pencil

John Burns, Georgia Straight

Pig City Model Farm

Ken Hayes, The Splinter

Cedric Price, AA Files

Marco Polo, Canadian Architect


treyf books
keep refrigerated

treyf reviews