thus avoiding vexatious misprints1
copyediting + proofreading services
(a treyf subsidiary)
. . . the fact that the proof-reader may be called upon at any moment to read proofs . . . 2
. . . and clean proofs, rightly understood, are the basis and foundation of all good work. 3
. . . the careful proof-reader . . . 2
It is said that Horace Greeley’s estimate of qualification for proof-reading called for more general knowledge than one would need in order to be a good President of the United States. 2
. . . and perhaps this fact is partly responsible for the notion, not uncommon, but erroneous and costly, that almost any intelligent person can read proof.2
. . . blunders of such a nature . . . 3
One of the most difficult phases of the problem arises in the fact that proof-readers themselves are, equally with the authors and editors, possessed of whimsical notions . . . 2
This is an incidence in composition which is sometimes fearfully and flagitiously abused . . . 3
There are a thousand and one other points that might be brought up in this connection, but time forbids. 3
And so, finally, we have come back to the point from which we started . . . 3
The proof-reader who can and does make such corrections . . . 2
Genuinely good proof-reading . . . 2
In common justice, though, I have to say that otherwise the book is very good . . . 3
1. U.S. Government Printing Office, Manual of Style Governing Composition and Proof Reading in the Government Printing Office (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1894).
2. F. Horace Teall, Proof-Reading: A Series of Essays for Readers and Their Employers, and for Authors and Editors (Chicago: The Inland Printer Company, 1899).
3. Malcolm Macmillan, Poetic Fragments; and, An Essay on Proof-Reading From a Compositor's Point of View (Glasgow: Aird & Coghill, 1900).
proofreading: $0.01-$0.02/word
copyediting: $0.02-$0.03/word
minimum: $50
rates vary based on type, length and complexity of texts, revisions, etc.
prices in USD but payment in major international currencies is accepted
Please email thus avoiding vexatious misprints (a treyf subsidiary) to inquire about copyediting and/or proofreading services.